Electrolyser room at HySynergy

Recommended voluntary cash offer to the shareholders of Everfuel A/S

Attention Everfuel shareholder

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice published by Everfuel today, detailing Everfuels Board of Directors recommendation to accept an Offer to acquire all issued and outstanding shares in the Company except for Shares owned by the Company and Rollover Shareholders, by infrastructure funds managed or advised by Swiss Life Asset Managers.

All shareholders are encouraged to carefully read the press release, the Boards fairness opinion and other related documents coming in the following days. The offer is subject to certain regulatory restrictions and may not be available for shareholders in all jurisdictions. For more information about the offer see below:


Offer announcement



Offer Document and Board recommendation is available on the Nordea deal site



Offer Document and Board recommendation is available on the SpareBank 1 deal site

Second quarter 2024 results and Webcast